My apologies for not posting this months ago as we’ve been married since May (and are expecting a baby in a number of weeks) so it’s somewhat belated.
Microdosing Heroism
I’m, perhaps ironically considering we’ve just gone into lockdown in Sydney, thinking this morning of the thousand small interactions we have with others. Each of these, no matter how brief or seemingly inconsequential, provide some opportunity to change the course of one’s own and the other person’s day (or, I suppose in a larger sense, can have an impact on the rest of our lives). I don’t want to make that thought too grand as it would be exhausting to carry around and have it at the forefront of our consciousness wherever we go (especially in an urban environment where one has so many fleeting encounters each day). However, I think there is some space, especially in difficult times, to be more aware of and for each other with compassion and intent.
There are, to my reckoning, a glut of superhero films and series available to stream and binge on during lockdown. As a child, I dreamt of gaining superpowers, vanquishing foes (I probably did use the word ’vanquishing’ at age ten) and saving the world from all danger. The evident popularity of these stories (back to the Iliad and the epic tales of heroes) is partially from a desire to have agency and do good in the world or at least know that there is someone who has that ability. I doubt that I will suddenly be granted a superpower and don’t know that I would have the wisdom to wield it with any sense. I’m not sure that I would want to live in a world where such powers are arbitrary distributed as what humankind has already mustered seems to exacerbate the problems that we have and create more where there were none.
However, I think there is something innate in us all; there is a little bit of heroism and power that we carry and perhaps don’t tap into enough. It’s different with each of us; I can’t say what it might be for you and it probably changes depending on the context. But it may come in that fleeting moment when you interact with one person; it may be made from the connection of two people in a situation that will never occur again. We may never be heroes in the superhero sense but can, at any given time, microdose on superheroism by stepping in at a critical moment to perform an act for someone that helps them. I think it’s enough to take up the task of heroism in whatever small way one can. There won’t be one superhero that saves us all, but all of us in conglomeration can have the same effect in the end.
I remember reading once about an Indian tradition that, if one is in distress or urgent need, it’s acceptable to ask a stranger ‘can you act as god for me?’ That, in that moment, this person who can help would be granted extra grace and ability. I’d like to think the cosmos is there standing by to open up something for both the one in need and the one who can provide on a scale that’s adequate for the occasion. Or else, why are we really here? I can’t fix everybody’s lives or expend myself to remedy the massive problems of the world. I can microdose heroism though that might help someone on the course of their life with the issues they are facing. I can, in doing that, if everyone is doing that, import some change in the world.
Don’t discount your own abilities to be a superhero within the bounds of your ability and the specific circumstances you are in (this can also overlap with the capacity one has to be a jerk on a power trip by doing the opposite if we are using the metaphor of villains and heroes). Be, wherever you can be, a hero and a god to others—maybe not in the epic sense or even in a way they might recognise—but in a way that carries that spark of help and hope as we live with each other day to day.
Olympus E-M1X Review
If you are a regular reader of my blog for more philosophical musings, read no further. This is a technical geeking out overview of a camera. If that’s what you came looking for, read on…
I realise the future of the Olympus marque is uncertain at the moment with the sale of the imaging division to a third party; however, I’m going to assume a best case scenario that the brand will continue under new management and, perhaps, take off in a different direction that hadn’t been considered before. Regardless, the E-M1X exists and someone out there may be considering the purchase of one. I’ve had mine now since May 2019 and have been using it as my main workhorse camera after moving almost wholly over from a full frame Nikon system. In short, I would not look back. Despite a few qualms about minor things, it’s an altogether better setup for my needs. Most of what I'm writing about below applies to the Olympus system as a whole (I have several other bodies that I use in different situations); but little has been written about the E-M1X in particular as I think it was a head-scratcher when it was introduced; consequently it didn’t get much press or many reviews. I debated at the time whether to get it or the E-M1; I ended up going with the X as it did have a few features that the E-M1 didn’t (this has since been mostly remedied by the mkIII version of the E-M1 although the X still has something to say with a couple features and I do prefer the physical configuration of the X for most of what I do). Also, my dealer here in Sydney had a special going that included the pro flash and a 12-40mm lens with the purchase so, in a sense, I got the better body for the same price as the E-M1 (I’ve since added an E-M1 mkII as a backup body as well so can make a fair comparison here as well). I’ve had the camera long enough to make some observations about its use for anyone considering moving to M43 or adding it to his or her kit.
Overall kit size
This, I think, is the major advantage of M43. Upon switching from a full frame system, my whole kit size reduced by more than half. Yes, the body of the E-M1X is nearly the same size as a full frame camera, but if you have more than a couple lenses, the overall kit size reduction is significant. This can’t be overlooked for an event or travel photographer who must constantly schlepp around a variety of lenses to cover different situations. This becomes even more apparent when the smaller and lighter bodies in the system are considered as options. What I would have given when, a decade ago, I was traveling around the world with a heavy camera kit to replace it all with a couple of the E-M1 bodies and a few lenses that could have easily fit in a small bag.
I’ve used or handled most of the major camera systems and this must be the most comfortable, well balanced body I've ever encountered. This is admittedly, heavily dependent the size of your hands and how you hold your cameras and move with them. But, for me, it’s just about perfect. It’s not so important with the smaller primes (and actually, the body looks slightly comical with some of the truly tiny M43 lenses) but it’s very well balanced with the longer zooms and fast primes. Indeed, the bulbous 7-14mm zoom really only feels comfortable on this body (though I’m assuming it would be a similar balance on the E-M1 if I had the grip attached to the bottom). Otherwise, Olympus have thought out all the buttons and knobs so well they seem like they’ve been placed in the most intuitive positions for ease of use. They’ve taken special care to, as much as possible, mimic the layout in both portrait and landscape orientation so that your muscle memory is the same in both situations. I can’t emphasise enough how very well thought out the design of this body is. The ‘in hand’ experience is beyond what can be conveyed on paper or YouTube. (Though, speaking of YouTube, be sure to watch Chris Eyre Walker’s excellent review of the camera.) It’s ridiculously overbuilt; there is absolutely nothing that hints at cut corners or points to something that one needs to watch out for in order not to damage. I’m not a hard user of my gear but would have no qualms taking this out into extreme environments (where I would no doubt give out before the camera).
This, again, is the the standout feature in the Olympus system. It both allows one to use lower ISOs in a given situation and longer lenses with sharper results. I leave it active all the time when handheld and can better compose the shot with a live IBIS in the viewfinder. It’s also an uncanny aid when shooting video; I have had multiple occasions where it almost (but not quite) looks like I’m using a gimbal but I’m actually just holding the camera at arms length with the IBIS on. It’s certainly not a vlogging camera but, because of the mass and configuration, it makes for very good video camera handheld.
Battery and Power
The camera uses two batteries in a sled—which is great as that means the batteries are systemically interchangeable with all the pro bodies. However, I do wish they would come out with one large single battery that has even more output and endurance (also that battery might have a built-in USB-C port for charging). As there is no way to swap out one battery at a time, the advantage of having two in the body is a bit moot. Also, and I’m assuming this is something that can be updated in firmware, the camera drains the first battery down to zero then switches to the second. I wish that there was a way to tell the camera to switch batteries at a given percentage before that as repeated total discharges aren't great for the health of the batteries. I have to remember to rotate them or I just otherwise hardy ever use the battery in the #2 position and keep draining the first one down to nothing and recharging (I have six batteries though that I rotate between the E-M1 and the X so hopefully that’s not much of an issue).
I immediately add the matching Really Right Stuff Arca plates to my cameras as I want to be able to use the bodies with quick release plates and the RRS plates are formed to integrate with the shape of the body when handheld as well. Also, I’m not a neck strap person and the RRS plates have a loop through for the Camdapter wrist straps (which are the perfect size for this body as well). The RSS plate does add just a slight bit to the height and weight of the body but it’s negligible compared to the usefulness of the mount.
GPS/altimeter metadata
At first I thought this was an extra that I would not have much use for; However, it’s really something to look back at the metadata of my images and see exactly where I was, at what altitude (and you can drill down to get the barometric pressure and all manner of other information as well). I’m sure this is mainly aimed toward people doing scientific research, forensics, industrial surveys or what have you but it’s interesting to have all that data recorded as a matter of course.
The Imaging Sensor
So, here is the big ‘but what about...’ conversation that I’m just completely over. For the record, I had two of the original E-M5 bodies with their 16MP sensors—and they were, wait for it, just fine. Actually, right now, I wouldn’t hesitate if someone called me up tomorrow with the offer to travel round the world on a travel shoot, to put these in a bag and use them for professional work. This has been talked to death but, truly, in almost all situations, one does not need the super high resolution sensors. I wish Olympus would just go off the rails and use some kind of sensor that maybe has a lower resolution but somehow has amazing dynamic range or colour fidelity (which are much more important) and just call foul on the megapixel thing. I do a lot of still life and would much rather have a sensor with a base ISO of 64 that gives me more reach at the lower end than the (currently) impossible call for a small chip that magically gives me a clean image at ISO 25,000. Their optics are superb and deserve to be paired with a unique sensor that offers up something different than just more resolution. Also at work, I have a camera from another manufacturer with a significantly higher MP count that, every time I press the shutter release, gives me files that are 3x the size of my OMD files. That adds up very quickly and I find myself having to cull through a bunch of large files just to save space on the server (this becomes even more of a consideration if you are using cloud-based digital asset management; I’m working mostly from home now and having to send up and down large jobs is tedious even with decently fast internet). I know this would take a re-engineering of the whole internal mechanism of the camera but I wish they would consider a square sensor to take advantage of the full image circle. I started my professional work on Hasselblad and actually prefer a square image; most or all of the optics have ‘wasted’ image area that could be used for a square chip to give a larger range of frame ratios and more imaging area. I would think, if that could be engineered, it might be a second wind for the format...which, of course, they would have to rename to micro1:1 or something but I would think it would be worth a go.
High-Rez Mode
I do use this but not extensively; most of my photography involves people so it’s not applicable in those situations. However, if I’m photographic something static, it does help sometimes to eke out just that little bit more detail (though, again, unless one is greatly enlarging the images, it’s often not worth the extra bit of time and effort to get the larger file. One thing it does do, more so perhaps than getting extra detail, is reduce noise in the image. I don’t know that it would make a difference or what all the computational matters are, but I wish one could turn on a similar mode at much higher ISOs (it’s limited to 1600 right now) just for the sake of reducing noise even if the resolution stayed at the ‘normal’ level.
The Viewfinder
I’m not a huge fan of the viewfinder; I do appreciate the better optics (compared to the E-M1) in it that make for a higher magnification. However, this just magnifies what I think is a rather so-so screen. It does have a high refresh rate which allows for quick movement with no lag or jitters. But I wish they had a display with a more colour depth and resolution. (Also, I know it would add even more to the size of the body, but these displays are advancing much faster than the life of camera bodies; it would be better if they make the viewfinder into a removable module that could be upgraded later or one could choose between viewfinders that were attuned to different needs. A sports shooter might need something different than a landscape photographer). That said, there is nothing particularly wrong with the viewfinder as it is but it’s not the camera’s strong point.
The lenses are just gorgeous both in build and optics; they are what sell the system for me. They are some of the best designs and builds of any lenses I’ve used (short of Leica M lenses, but that’s a different discussion and price point). However, they are just beautifully made regardless. I have the pro primes and they have the most gorgeous rendering shot wide open; the 17 and 45mm are especially notable.
Further Observations and Comments
Timecode jam sync: There seems to be all the necessary pro timecode features in the camera except…the whole point of timecode is to sync to other gear. I have a Sound Devices 744T that I use for sound recording; however there doesn't seem to be a way I can jam sync the TC output from the 744T to the camera without having to have an external device like a Tentacle Sync and laying down LTC on one of the audio tracks (it would be really useful to have a firmware update, if this is possible, where I one feed the Ambient TC out from the 744 into one of the audio tracks with a cable adaptor for a moment and jam it that way rather than having to have a separate third party device since it seems to have all the other technology on board.)
Graphic display: This is a minor thing but, when assigning control functions in the menu, a graphic of the body is displayed on the screen. This is quite helpful either in the heat of the moment when one decides to change something in the field or even just when one can’t quite remember which button is called what.
Video controls: in video operation, the vertical grip command dials are disabled. One can use the ‘Fn 1/2’ switch to change the operation of the top deck dials but I wonder if the lower dials could be enabled as well (for instance, I’ve set up to have f/stop and exposure compensation on Fn1 and the mic/headphone levels on Fn2; it would be good if, instead of having to click a switch, I could just make the lower dials the volume controls so I could simply reach down and adjust on the fly).
The HDMI port: Why the small HDMI port—like, really, why! There was all this real estate on the body of the camera and you gave us the smallest HDMI port as an afterthought? You built a camera that can take the most extreme situations and put a little connector in there that’s almost guaranteed to crap out somewhere a thousand kilometres from nowhere. Also, though again I’m hoping this comes in a firmware update, the output from that tiny HDMI is 8bit instead of 10. I’m using this daily in a professional environment, do keying with green screens and need to have the flexibility of that extra colour depth (though, that said, the high bit rate internal recording on the camera is excellent). Update on this October 2020; Olympus and Atomos have recently announced that RAW video recording will soon be available via a firmware update. I will purchase a Ninja V to do this as I think that’s a significant upgrade that bypasses any of the limitations of the lower bit rate internal recordings (and will probably, in some ways, be easier to edit though the files will be larger); still…the tiny HDMI port; alas.
Additional Fn button assignment: It would be good it we could dedicate a Fn button to flash exposure compensation. I’m often doing events or portraits and want to dip the flash down to fill. On my Nikons this is a dedicated Fn+dial combination but one has to go into the control panel to change on Olympus.
TTL Control: I’ve also purchased the Profoto TTL remote for the camera. The remote is on 2.4ghz; the camera has a 2.4ghz transceiver built in already for WiFi. PhaseOne cameras can control the Profoto system in-camera. As Olympus apparently have a some level of communication with Profoto, I wonder if the control could be coded into the camera body rather than having to have a separate transmitter?
More with USB-C: I’m also assuming that much more will come of the USB-C port (I’m already quite chuffed that one can charge the camera through it). It would be good if we could attach SSD drives to either back up files or record directly to external storage. I’m not sure what would be needed with drivers and such but audio support would be welcome as well. For instance, I have the RØDE on camera mic with USB-C; it would be useful if the camera could make a direct digital connection to the mic rather than have to go through A/D conversion.
Tethering: I shoot tethered a lot for my studio work; I wonder if Olympus are having any conversations with CaptureOne about adding support for the camera tethered? The Olympus tethering app actually isn’t all that bad in itself and one can set Capture one to watch folders but it would still be better to have all the action happening in one application (though this isn't saying much, Olympus have one of the better mobile apps as well; it’s nice to be able to be out shooting an event and then immediately post images to social media).
Those are my general observations; I hope that a mkII version of this camera does emerge as I feel that this body is about 90% ‘there’. Much could be improved in firmware updates as I’m assuming there is still significant untapped power in there with the dual processors and some of my issues with the camera are software and control based. Of course, a lot of the DNA from this camera was brought into the recently introduced E-M1 mkIII. I’m not sure, given the choice between today, that I would still go with the X as the smaller body does basically cover most of my needs; however, when I’m using a camera all day, especially with long lenses, the X is just wonderful to handle (if I were a sports or wedding shooter, there would be no question). I know decisions about the purchase of Olympus gear at the moment might be rather nebulous but I’m hoping that the M43 format itself has a future. It’s a well made tool and fits a variety of needs. Today, I’m going to film a piece to camera for a social media post then use the camera as a webcam for a webinar in the studio—and may also do some copy work of a painting to submit to the National Archive. I can easily segue between each of those scenarios with this camera without having to fuss. For me, that is worth the price of admission and all the other matters that people debate sort of fall by the wayside.
The Essential
Before I begin writing about this, I want to acknowledge, while there is much discussion about the pandemic as a shared catastrophe, it will obviously fall upon us all in very different ways. I’m writing from relatively ‘safe’ Australia where, despite initial fumbles, the authorities and public have quickly adopted measures that seem to have warded off at least the initial hard impact of the virus. Yes, at the biological level we are all equally at risk; however the mitigation of that risk is vastly different depending on your location and/or socioeconomic status. Also, even within the societies that have prepared well and are taking adequate measures, the economic fallout from this will be significant (and ‘significant’ seems too muted a word). I’ve retained full employment and am able to readily work from home; that’s not the case for a tremendous number of people who either can’t do this or who are currently stood down from work in an industry that has closed shop for the duration.
I say all that because I found myself writing notes for this post and almost romanticising the situation with all manner of hopeful thoughts for how ‘we’ will emerge on the other side. But this was only for the ‘we’ who probably have the resources and protections to endure with some level of safety and comfort. Yes, ‘we’ can talk about all the constraints and limitations we face under lockdown; but the spectrum of that is so broad that it’s easy for ‘us’ not to realise it goes into wavelengths that aren’t even visible to our eyes. I have, for reasons I’ll explain below, been in isolation for the past four weeks so even my perspective of what is happening here in my own city is fairly limited. I will not begin to compare the practical lived experience of someone on the other side of the world with mine even though we are both in ‘lockdown’. There are billions of people who do not have the luxury of considering this with the same level of security I have at this moment.
Having said that, I think there are universals that can be helpful to consider (both for now and the future). There are very few catastrophes everyone in the world can relate to and to which we are literally not immune. Pick any crisis in the news and, even if you are only one or two steps removed, how easy is it to isolate that as something ‘over there’ and unrelated to you own life (that’s not necessarily a criticism; we must do that in some ways to avoid becoming overwhelmed). Even major regional natural disasters like the Boxing Day Tsunami do not stop the world from operating elsewhere. They disrupt the lives and security of people in that place but leave the rest of us to either ignore or feel a sense of empathy. I’m sensing, at least with myself, I need to cultivate a third way of looking at this. I’m finding myself, in thinking and discussions about the pandemic, still falling into one of those two lines of thought. There is so much to be overwhelmed with that I can’t consider what’s going on in all places and make a sum of it all. However, I’m also starting to compare and contrast the experiences of other people and places with my own and saying ‘well at least it’s not as bad as country X here’ or ‘God, it’s going to be awful in this other place’. Neither of the above are helpful for my psyche and only serve to reenforce the us/them outlook that pervades everything else.
This is abstract and of course not possible or practical but, at least in my spirit I think I need to strip everything I mentioned before away and just become a human on the Earth at this time. I will continue living and working as I am; this is not the beginning of a desire to become a hermit (though I’m starting to feel like one shut in my flat). But I think, to even begin to hold all this, I have to remove myself from either the weight of worry that I have or the feeling of security and acknowledge that I am neither in control—or entirely powerless. There is a balance point here that may be different in practice for each of us, but that we all have. There is a lot to give over that is beyond our control but at least those limitations, in some ways, make things easer to define. They may be starkly defined but as we settle into whatever these new norms are, they become apparent. Also (again acknowledging my own protections and privileges here), I have increasingly clear notions of what I do control and have agency over. Through all the uncertainties, it’s important to maintain perspective on what’s at hand day to day.
I was going to write a whole paragraph here about what the next months might look like but it would all be speculation and talking into the air. I don’t know; there are smart people who are trying to model things out, but there are so many overlapping variables I think it’s the best we can do to just shelter in place and be kind to one another. Depending on where you are, there have either been sensible precautions put into place or spectacular failures of leadership. That range is too much to consider in a blog post and, I’m sure, will be unpacked for decades.
But I do want to think about what follows; that’s almost easier. This is after we have a cure/vaccine in circulation and we are on the path back to whatever ‘normal’ can become again. What I hope for is that positive changes occurring in the midst of this become normalised. These are everything from the small scale interactions I’m having with neighbours to larger societal shifts around working at home, food distribution, welfare, job protections, banking and social safety nets (again, milage may vary depending on where you are). What is a constant, no matter the location, is the sudden shock to the system that there is a particular thing that everyone in every country has to face all at once. I think this can be the enduring and, perhaps, most beneficial outcome of the whole experience. We are facing another global catastrophe in climate change that has been unevenly acknowledged; what, if anything, could act as a better model for responding to that than something like what we are going through now. Not to diminish at all the impact of the pandemic, but it’s basically transitory and something that will be mitigated through known pathways of science and medicine. We’ve know about climate change for decades, the impact is effectively permanent and the remedies are, while apparent, systemic and increasingly difficult to implement. This may provide a model for working together on something that will fall upon us all. It’s a window into what happens if we either choose to act or fail to and face the consequences.
We are also prompted to examine how our societies are set up, the vulnerabilities of individuals who may already live on the margins and what that means for the whole (in that, if a significant portion of the population are only a step away from either paying rent or not, what does this mean for everything else up the chain). What happens when all airlines close simultaneously? The industry hasn’t collapsed as we assume it will all come back afterwards; but what happens during this hibernation? What changes can we make to protect individuals and the systems we all rely on so that, when this happens again, the uncertainties we faced in the past month are diminished and we have a plan in place (in the same way we practice for fire evacuation in our offices; it may never be needed…but when it is…)? It’s going to lay out clearly also what we must hold in reserve to be prepared for these things and where funding should be focused (here in Australia it might make the difference between our spending billions for a new fleet of submarines for unlikely naval battles or laying up gear and supplies for the situations we face now).
I think we can also now frankly understand what an ‘essential worker’ is; these are often the people who don’t get the recognition they deserve but in these times stand out and are hailed as heroes. Nurses and doctors are there literally putting their lives on the line. Teachers are staying in schools despite having even fewer protections than health care workers. Then there are people like all the delivery drivers; I’ve suddenly discovered the power of ordering almost everything online and suddenly have a new appreciation for the guy who brings packages to my door!
And, when one contemplates a disease that can literally kill you, the idea of what is personally essential comes sharply into focus. As I said above, I’ve been in at home for several weeks. Part of that time was in medically mandated isolation as we were unsure if I had COVID-19. I presented with similar symptoms and then discovered I was exposed to someone who had the virus; I subsequently tested negative. I did end up in hospital several times (once by ambulance early in the morning). We eventually discovered that I have, of all things, Epstein Barr Virus—which I do not recommend for adults if possible. Nevertheless, I’ve been sicker than I’ve ever been at a peculiar time to be ill. During this time, I’ve had a lot of headspace to consider my connections to others. I’m far away from family and was not able to see friends or loved ones here either. Now, of course, with the social limitations in place, we are restricted to the people who are closest and most dear to us (and even then, we often can’t see most of these people either). I’m not an especially social person to begin with but this is certainly honing down my sense of who is most dear. It gives me a new perspective on people with whom I want to share my life. Maybe, in a shifting and unsettled world, this is the most important thing to hold on to.
Everything arises out of silence
I often consider the tumult of this world—both the outer and inner turmoil that seems to pervade the lives of many people. However, nearly everything ‘outside’ this one small planet is silence. The primary function of the Universe is silence. We are the rarity; I think it’s not so much that life is rare, but perhaps the more significant rarity is the situation of a whole system in which sound is generated and received. We have a place where those vibrations can emerge and we can be a witness.
I think the situation of our encountering one another (both the ordinary and in crisis) offers the opportunity to generate a space of silence. Unlike sight, for instance, where we can close our eyes, there is no ready muting of sound; silence is something we have to create or protect. So I think there is some kind of spiritual significance to making that space (in that silence is the norm for everything outside this environment we are in; it’s as if we are given a special opportunity where we must actively return to silence). That becomes more difficult—and more necessary—as we make the world a giant mechanism of noise. We evolved in quiet spaces and formed ourselves and social interaction in that space. There is so much talk of our inability to communicate properly now. We have not lost the ability to communicate, we have lost the ability to be quiet.
When we are really present; people sense both the respect we have for the individual and, I think, the respect for the sacred space of silence. When we speak we begin to codify and form and then ‘everything arises’. That’s necessary as well; but the arising can’t come without a space of silence to begin (and then perhaps everything returns to silence in the end). Perhaps ‘Everything that has Arisen’ was created simply to witness and eventually comprehend the Silence that was before and to follow. I wonder often about all that’s been written about God and, though it’s maybe a necessary effort, it’s not the end of understanding (this is why I am so wary now of any faith that professes ‘the Answers’). The understanding of God and the silence—or God in The Silence—is something arising and, I think, will continue to emerge till it all folds back into silence.
That, maybe, is what people sense when we sit with them quietly. That’s why just being present is so dearly important and healing. It’s not that people so much need an abundance of words and sound; they need to find a passage back into silence. It’s a situation equally helpless and empowered; that sharing that vulnerability and strength with someone in an honest way is the most healing thing one could do. There is an opportunity for emancipation. There is the ability to take up strengths that haven’t emerged before.
Some years ago, I had an extraordinarily painful surgery which rearranged my entire ribcage…all at once. I remember, during my time in the hospital and recovery, though I was the one in pain, I became the pivot point of reassurance and support for those concerned for me. It activated an understanding of the place of pain and comfort in me—and I was the one in that situation who could become a conduit for others. I certainly had the support of my parents and carers in the hospital but I had to actively engage with the whole thing to make the cycle complete. I have heard many times before people wishing they could ‘take on the pain’ for people living through it; they can’t (and I wonder if that somehow diminishes the experience of the person in pain). How does one face pain with people in the midst of it and, equally so, how do you work through that pain in what is voiced and what remains in silence?
Knobbly Veg
A bit of tabletop experimentation with some fresh chokos from the local market.
Democracy Inaction
I have, along with everyone else in Sydney, spent the last month and more dealing with smoke from bushfires across the state. This is however, obviously not the worst of the national disaster we are now in the midst of as there are countless families who have been burnt out or displaced in rural areas and even some suburbs of cities, millions of animals dead with some pushed to the edge of extinction from habitat loss, and over 5,900,000 hectares (15,000,000 acres) of forest and bushland up in smoke. The relentless news of this ‘new normal’ is really starting to wear on me (as is the heat; I did have plans to do some small projects and travel over the holidays but find myself just escaping in my flat under fans or A/C). Also, the places I was thinking of going are either on fire or blocked from road closure and evacuation. What are we to do other than taking short showers and having a bucket under us as we do? This afternoon I wrote my local MP, Linda Burney about my concerns. I’ve met her a couple times and know that these sentiments are already what she advocates for in Canberra; but I think it’s important as a citizen of what’s ostensibly a functioning democracy to voice them regardless:
Dear Minister,
I’m writing as I watch social media posts from one set of friends evacuating Mallacoota by navy ship and another picking up the pieces down the coast at Rosedale. For the past many weeks we have all suffered through smoke and heat here in Sydney and the months ahead look set to be much the same. What cannot remain the same are the responses and denial from Canberra as we enter a new decade. We, as citizens of a country both blessed with resources and limited by scarcity, expect leadership and coherence from our politicians; however, most of what we encounter is either nonsensical or farcical with little reference to the reality of what’s happening.
I recognise you and your Labor colleagues have attempted to put forward sensible plans for our future but have been frustrated at the polls and hindered by misinformation; please persevere regardless. The alternative is that we, as a country, are blindly led further down the path we have traversed for years that has resulted in this emerging disaster.
Please continue to advocate for immediate action to address both our international commitments and the advancement of changes that can surpass them where applicable. We have immense capacity for renewable energy (including retraining and new jobs for people currently working in the fossil fuel industry to justly transition workers from the old to new); however, the window to accomplish this with any sense of order is quickly closing. We cannot wait till all the coal is burnt and the rivers have run dry to decide it’s time to make the shift. We cannot close down every TAFE* in the country and expect to have the skill base needed to rebuild from the ashes. We cannot divert the flow of our watersheds to grow cotton and expect to have ample supply for our expanding urban populations. Something has to change either now or, alternately, in the future at the ragged end of chaos. Please do all you can to make it the former while that’s still an option.
*TAFE is Australia’s national vocational educational system; it’s gone from world class to massively privatised and decimated over the past ten years.
Silver Eagle
I was back at Bloodworth Bellamy today after several weeks; thought I’d start back in with something simple (though light painting an object so small has its own challenges). I don’t know the origins of the eagle but it’s sitting on a rusty old mould for baby doll arms which I’ll probably photograph at some other time. Below that is a Japanese sack that was used in the fermentation of rice for sake production.
News of the Day
Whilst setting up for a podcast in the studio today, I began reading an automatically transcribed report from our broadcast news service. The AI seems to have inadvertently created a stream of consciousness libretto for a Philip Glass opera.